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🇺🇸 Unleash Leadership Mindset: Turn Ideas to Reality with AI & Emotional Intelligence with Maryna.

Hello, I'm Maryna Marchuk, Certified Associate in Project Management, Certified Scrum Master, EQ and AI Coach for Leaders and teams in Project Management.


I'm also serving as a Military Outreach Liaison of the PMI Silicon Valley Chapter and a VP Public Communications for a PMI Toastmaster Club.

My goal? To redefine what success means for Project Management leaders. I believe in empowering leaders to enhance their emotional intelligence and to leverage AI for more impactful decision making.


Join me on to embrace disruptive AI change, and redefine success in your professional and personal life on your own terms.

As a former top executive in Financial Project Management, turned a Coach, I know what it feels like to adapt in ambiguous environment after my 22 relocations and 5 career transitions.

I also know what freedom you can experience when you have a coach that can guide you to be the best version of yourself.

That’s why, I’ve been creating the most powerful community of AI-driven professional powerhouses who are not willing to settle for less… who are ready to stand firm in our financial freedom… and who will not live life with regrets – anymore.

So, if you’re a leader in Project Management, who is curious about Artificial Intelligence, I can show you how to:

🎯Earn 10-15% higher annual salary without having to beg or work more to achieve it

🎯Master AI-powered tools for Project Management in a flow
🎯3x your financial earning power and earn what you’re worth all the time
🎯Land a higher-paying jobs with ease – yes, the one you’ve been dreaming of!
🎯Transform your career starting with a single daily habit of using AI
🎯Have more time/energy because you’ve mastered the art of making boundaries
🎯Join a close-knit and empowering community to keep you inspired
🎯Boost your confidence in your finances, relationships, and in your career 
🎯Greater financial security without working more than 40 hours a week
🎯Gain massive clarity around what to do now with AI tools to put you where you want to be later

Project Management Leaders – you are POWERFUL. The world is truly your playground. Let’s get to work and show the world what you’re really capable of achieving.

Project Management Leaders  – play BIG, never small… go for MORE, never less… follow our DREAMS, never doubt them.

Because the truth is… There is NOTHING wrong with you. 

I’ll show you why.

Let’s talk (just two digital friends connecting over coffee, tea or matcha – you pick!) 



With gratitude, 

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